Envision Arlington
Envision Arlington requested $1,500, a 50% decrease from the previous year. This was approved by the Finance Committee.
Open Space Committee
The Open Space Committee requested $1,000, a 50% decrease from the previous year. The reason for the decrease was explained as the committee not conducting a major report this year. This budget was approved by the Finance committee with one abstention.
Harry Barber Program
The committee requested $7,500, level funding from the previous year. This budget was approved with unanimous consent.
Historic Districts Commission
The commission requested $6,000, level funding from the previous year. This budget was approved with unanimous consent.
Historical Commission
The commission requested $8,700, level funding from the previous year. This budget was approved with unanimous consent.
Arlington LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Commission
The commission requested $4,000, level funding from the previous year. This budget was approved with unanimous consent.
Transportation Advisory Committee
The committee requested $2,000, level funding from the previous year. This budget was approved with unanimous consent.
Commission on Disability
The Commission on Disability did not yet send their budget request; follow-up is required.
Arlington Commission on Arts and Culture
The commission requested $35,000, level funding from the previous year. This budget was approved with unanimous consent.
Zero Waste Committee
Although the Zero Waste Committee has not sent a budget, the Finance Committee previously voted based on presumption of level funding. Discussions are pending further clarification.
Other Committees and Commissions
There are a few committees and commissions who are scheduled to discuss budget details in upcoming Finance Committee meetings, including budgets related to the “Arlington 250” event, Human Rights Commission (who are asking for an increase), Capital Planning, Conservation, Water Bodies, and Human Resources.
Additional Topics Discussed:
- There was a detailed discussion about field permit fees, budgeting, and revenue within the Parks and Recreation Department, which revealed that permit fees collected (around $70,000) do not appear clearly in allocated line items. Finance Committee members asked for clearer records and accounting from the Parks and Recreation Department to understand where this revenue goes and how it relates to DPW budgets for field maintenance.
- The committee discussed the potential for collecting data and fees from preschools using town playgrounds but concluded that this was still in a data-gathering phase and does not currently impact the Recreation Department budget.
- Health insurance and water/sewer budget discussions are to occur on April 20th, depending on when new rate information is available.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMBx5VrsyGE