Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Redevelopment Board, November 20, 2203

2023 Board Retreat

The board discussed potential dates and times for the 2023 board retreat. They agreed to hold it on December 3rd from 10am to 1pm. Rachel and Claire will finalize the agenda and circulate it to the board before it is posted publicly next Thursday. Potential topics include reviewing the status of past approved projects, strategies for keeping closer tabs on adherence to property developments, discussing potential 2024 warrant articles, reviewing draft site plan review regulations, finalizing the 2024 meeting schedule, and discussing potential urban renewal plans.

2024 Spring Town Meeting Articles

The board discussed potential zoning amendments to bring to the 2024 Spring Town Meeting. They agreed that updating the Arlington Heights Business District zoning should be the top priority. Other potential articles discussed were:

  • Updating the Transportation Demand Management bylaw to add residential provisions
  • Reducing the height buffer area
  • Allowing illuminated sign permits through an administrative process
  • Updating commercial design guidelines
  • Creating multifamily housing design guidelines

The board also discussed engaging with the Select Board in early January to align priorities and strategies. They will reach out to schedule a joint meeting.

Claire will re-circulate the timeline and process for citizens to submit warrant articles related to zoning bylaws to the board. The goal is to get citizen petitions earlier so the board can provide feedback.

The board will also meet with the ZBA and Conservation Commission on December 18th to discuss their potential warrant articles before deciding which to support.

Other Updates

  • Claire Ricker announced she will be making an offer for an Assistant Planning Director next week.
  • Submissions to the Attorney General’s office for the MBTA Communities plan were completed last week.
  • Claire will provide an update on the Outwood House project at the December retreat after meeting with the developer.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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