Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Select Board, November 20, 2023

Traffic Rules and Orders

The Board reviewed recommendations from the Traffic and Parking Division of the Police Department regarding school zones on River Street, Brooks Avenue, and Chandler Street. The Board voted to approve the recommendations.

Special One-Day Beer and Wine Licenses

The Board approved a series of special one-day beer and wine licenses for Arlington Brewing Company to host pop-up beer bars at Roasted Granola Cafe in December 2022 and November 30, 2022. Tom Allen, co-owner of Arlington Brewing Company, presented the proposal and noted they were unable to find a permanent brick-and-mortar location in Arlington but wanted to continue selling beer locally. The Board enthusiastically supported the proposal.

Consent Agenda

The Board reappointed Daniel Ricciarelli to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Eversource Petition

The Board held a public hearing and approved an Eversource petition for the installation of 15ft of conduit on Mass Ave at Broadway to improve service reliability in the area.


The Board voted to appoint Eileen Coleman as an associate member of the Conservation Commission. The Board also voted to appoint Sarah Alfaro Franco to the Conservation Commission.

Transportation Advisory Committee Recommendations

The Board approved short-term recommendations from the Transportation Advisory Committee regarding improvements to the Broadway and Rossen Road intersection near Gibbs School. The long-term recommendations were referred to the Town Manager for further review.

Intermunicipal Agreement for 250th Celebration

The Board approved an intermunicipal agreement with Concord, Lexington and Lincoln for joint planning and coordination of events and marketing for the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War in 2025-2026. Arlington’s contribution will be $50,000.

New Veterans Services Director

The Board welcomed the new Veterans Services Director, Philip McGovern, and he provided background on his experience serving in the military and government.

Alewife Combined Sewer Overflows

The Board discussed and approved draft comments on the Alewife Brook Combined Sewer Overflow permit, including objections to making Arlington a co-permittee and requesting more time to develop certain plans. Revisions will be made before submitting to the EPA by the November 28 deadline.

Long Range Plan Update

Mr. Decorsi provided an update that the Long Range Planning Committee met and discussed financial projections and school budgets. They will meet again in February when more state budget information is available.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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