Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Town Meeting, October 17, 2023

Article One – Reports of Committees

The Finance Committee and Select Board reports were received. The recommended votes in the reports were placed before the meeting. Article One was laid on the table so it could be returned to later if needed.

Article Two – FY2024 School Budget Adjustment

The Finance Committee issued a supplemental report recommending no action on Article Two, due to an error in the language of the override ballot making the funds unavailable until FY2025. With no action recommended, there was no debate and Article Two was voted no action.

Article Three – Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Administrative Correction

This article proposed an administrative correction to the zoning bylaw to fix incorrect references. The Arlington Review Board (ARB) recommended favorable action. The article passed unanimously.

Article Four – Zoning Map Amendment – Parcel on Gray Street

The ARB recommended no action on this article. With no action recommended, there was no debate and Article Four was voted no action.

Article Five – Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Open Space Requirements

This ARB article proposed changes to open space requirements in business districts, including tying open space to lot area rather than building size, increasing landscape requirements, and allowing open space on balconies and roofs. An amendment was proposed but failed. After debate, the article passed with a two-thirds majority.

Article Six – Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Rear Yard Setbacks

This ARB article proposed simplifying rear yard setback formulas in business districts to fixed distances based on building height and adjacent uses. Two amendments were proposed but failed. After debate, the article passed with a two-thirds majority.

Article Seven – Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Upper Story Stepbacks

This ARB article proposed requiring upper story stepbacks in business districts only on the primary facade rather than all sides. After debate, the article passed with a two-thirds majority.

Article Eight – Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Height and Story Minimums

This ARB article proposed minimum building heights of 2 stories and 26 feet in business districts, with ARB discretion on waivers. After debate, the article passed with a two-thirds majority.

Article Nine – Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Corner Lot Requirements

This ARB article proposed applying business district setbacks to corner lots in business districts rather than adjacent residential districts. After debate, the article passed with a two-thirds majority.

The meeting adjourned until October 19, 2023 at 8pm.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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