Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

School Committee, October 12, 2023


Diversity in Hiring Report

  • Director of Human Resources Robert Spiegel presented the annual staffing report on new hires and demographic data.
  • 67 of 83 new educators have at least a master’s degree.
  • The district is still more white than the student population. The goal is to increase diversity to better represent students.
  • Strategic priority two focuses on recruiting and retaining diverse staff. Initiatives include networking events and hiring fairs.

Outcomes Report

  • Director of Research, Data, and Accountability Mathew Coleman presented outcomes data focused on focal student groups: students with IEPs, Black students, Hispanic/Latinx students, LGBTQIA+ students, English learners, and low-income students.
  • Students are enrolling in advanced courses but focal groups are underrepresented.
  • Sense of belonging is decreasing, especially at the secondary level.
  • Mental health concerns are higher for female, gender diverse, LGBTQIA+, and Hispanic/Latinx students.
  • Chronic absenteeism is significantly higher for focal groups.
  • Gaps persist in elementary ELA achievement. A new ELA curriculum is being piloted in K-5.
  • Equity of access remains an area of focus.

Superintendent’s Report

  • Elementary ELA curriculum implementation is underway. Coaches report students are excited and using new language.
  • The district received a $10,000 Safe and Supportive Schools grant.
  • Two new electric school buses were celebrated.
  • The professional development platform rollout was successful.
  • Arlington was selected as a 2023 Mass Save Climate Leader.

School Committee Business

  • Paul Schlichtman was elected as the delegate to the MASC Assembly. Liz Exton was elected as the alternate.
  • The committee unanimously approved the APS/AEA MOA on the grade 3 stipend.
  • The consent agenda was approved.
  • Liaison reports were given. The next Facilities Subcommittee meeting is November 2nd. The next Policy & Procedures Subcommittee meeting is TBD. The Building Committee will arrange a school tour in late October.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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