Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Zoning Board of Appeals, August 29, 2023

The Arlington Zoning Board of Appeals held a remote meeting to discuss various applications and proposals related to properties in town.

Discussion on Applications for Various Properties

The board discussed applications for properties located at 32 Appleton Street, 5 Mystic Lake Drive, 148 Mount Vernon Street, 56 Newcomb Street, and 212 Pleasant Street. 

Home Occupation Request for 32 Appleton Street

The board discussed a request from a licensed massage therapist to practice from her home at 32 Appleton Street. The board decided to continue the discussion at a later date, after the applicant had discussed the matter with the building inspector.

Public Comment and Concerns

The board opened the meeting for public comment, addressing concerns about parking issues near Arlington Heights Nursery School and the potential impact of a home-based massage therapy practice on parking. The board proposed a continuance to allow further discussion with the Inspection Services Department about the appropriate use of the property at 32 Appleton Street.

5 Mystic Lake Drive: Proposed Construction of a Two-Family House in an R2 Zone

The board discussed a proposal for the construction of a two-family house in an R2 zone, which historically was a single-family house. The developer sought permission for a second curb cut to accommodate the construction. The board noted that the only matter under consideration was the second driveway, and any determinations regarding compliance with the floodplain district of the zoning bylaw were not within their jurisdiction for this meeting.

Concerns about Proposed Second Driveway for 5 Mystic Lake Drive

The board discussed concerns raised by residents about the proposed second driveway for 5 Mystic Lake Drive. Concerns included potential violation of public tree bylaws, location in regulatory floodways, potential pedestrian safety hazard, and potential parking difficulties. The board decided to continue the hearing on September 26, 2023, to allow the applicant time to gather more information and work with the town’s transportation planner and tree warden.

Discussion on Proposed Addition to Single-Family Dwelling at 148 Mount Vernon Street

The board discussed a proposed addition to a single-family dwelling at 148 Mount Vernon Street. The homeowners are seeking a special permit for relief from the two-and-a-half-story rule. The hearing for this property was also continued.

Discussion on Proposed Interior Remodel of Two-Family Home at 56 Newcomb Street

The board discussed a proposal for an interior remodel of a two-family home at 56 Newcomb Street. The proposal aimed to extend the existing nonconformity of the structure, which is considered a three-story building due to the exposed basement at the rear of the house. The board voted to approve the application for the special permit, subject to three standard conditions and an additional condition regarding the tabulation of open space.

Discussion on Nonconforming Lot at 212 Pleasant Street

The board discussed a nonconforming lot and the proposal to increase its nonconformity. The proposal aimed to increase the nonconformity from 13.5ft to 10.3ft in the rear yard depth. The board voted to approve a special permit for the property with certain conditions.

Approval of Meeting Minutes and Upcoming Meetings

The board approved the meeting minutes from previous meetings held on July 25, May 30, and May 11, 2023. The board reminded the members of the upcoming meeting on September 5 to begin deliberations on the decision on 10 Sunnyside Avenue. The next hearing date scheduled for regular hearings is Tuesday, September 26.



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