Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Sewage in Alewife Brook, Affordable Housing at 10 Sunnyside

Zoning Board of Appeals, July 11, 2023

  • Meeting Attendance and Format: All members of the Zoning Board of Appeals were present. The meeting was conducted remotely in accordance with an act signed into law on March 29, 2023, which allowed public bodies to continue holding meetings remotely.
  • Approval of Written Decision: The first item on the agenda was the approval of the written decision in docket number 3753 at 60-62 Magnolia Street. The motion to approve the revised opinion was carried unanimously.

  • Public Hearing on 10 Sunnyside: The main item on the agenda was the continuation of the public hearing in 10 Sunnyside, a construction project being undertaken by the Housing Corporation of Arlington, with Bald Hill Builders as the pre-construction advisor. The hearing was primarily devoted to the initial comments of the board’s peer review consultant, who addressed civil engineering and transportation aspects of the case. The board planned to hold several additional sessions of the hearing.

    • Construction Project Discussion: The committee discussed a proposed development project. The committee invited a board consultant to provide expert opinion on civil engineering and transportation matters related to the project. The consultant raised several concerns and issues that needed to be addressed.

    • Construction Management Plan: Representatives from Utile Architecture and Bald Hill Builders were present to address concerns raised by the board and other parties. 

    • Fire Access, Deliveries, Parking, and Stormwater Management: The committee discussed fire access, deliveries, parking, stormwater management, lighting, and access width. The committee also discussed sedimentation and erosion control, fire department access in the finished condition, and deliveries, drop-off, trash pickup, and curb designations in the public right of way.

    • Parking Reduction, Shadow Study, and Lighting Plan: The committee discussed the justification for a reduction in parking requirements, a shadow study for Michael Street, and a lighting plan that had been developed and submitted. The committee also discussed stormwater design issues, with the aim of minimizing the size of the system and determining if a bylaw waiver was feasible.

  • Concerns about Alewife Brook: The committee discussed concerns surrounding the nearby Alewife Brook, which has been experiencing regular flooding and sewage contamination issues. A member of the committee expressed concern about what might be discovered during the site’s excavation and suggested that the town should be aware of these findings.

  • Continuation of the Hearing: The committee discussed the continuation of the hearing, confirming that August 1st would be suitable for all board members and other necessary parties. The committee also discussed the possibility of having one more meeting in August, potentially on the 15th. However, due to scheduling difficulties, they considered moving the final review to early September. The meeting concluded with the committee agreeing to continue the hearing on August 1, 2023, at 7:30 PM.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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