Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Finance Committee, September 28, 2023

Discussion of Open Meeting Law Complaint

The committee discussed an open meeting law complaint filed against the Town of Arlington regarding an alleged violation by the Finance Committee, Select Board, and School Committee. Town Council provided a draft response for the committees to review. The committee voted unanimously to authorize town counsel to file a response on behalf of the Finance Committee, either jointly with the other committees or individually, using the draft response provided. The committee requested that town counsel communicate the vote to file the response before the current town counsel member leaves office in early October.

Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles

The committee briefly discussed the special town meeting warrant articles that relate to the Finance Committee. There will be one article to ratify a union contract, pending agreement with the union before town meeting closes. There is also an article to approve a $400,000 contingent increase to the school budget, contingent on an override passing. The committee will discuss whether to take positions on the MBTA communities law article at next week’s meeting.

Future Meetings

The committee will meet next week to hear from the deputy town manager about the contract ratification warrant article. The committee will also discuss whether to take a position on the MBTA Communities Law article. The committee plans to meet a half hour before the first night of town meeting to discuss any finance articles on the warrant.



Inside Arlington was created by two Arlingtonians who are deeply concerned by the decline in local news and its impact on civic life. Our mission is to provide accessible information to Arlington residents to foster an informed and engaged citizenry. And we want to do it in an economically sustainable way. More…


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