Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Park and Recreation Commission, September 12, 2023

The Arlington Park & Recreation Commission convened on September 12, 2023, in the Board of Health meeting room at the Community Center. The meeting was attended by commission members as well as Recreation Director Joseph Connelly and Conservation Commission liaison Nathaniel Stevens.

Honoree Bench at Menotomy Rocks Park
The Commission reviewed a request for an honoree bench at Menotomy Rocks Park. They discussed the accessibility of the proposed bench locations and the language for the plaque. The Commission approved the request, with the condition that the Historical Commission be consulted and the Friends of Menotomy Rocks Park be notified.

Signage at Spy Pond Park
Karen Grossman requested signage in the newly maintained and vegetated plant beds at Spy Pond Park. The Commission approved the placement of two temporary signs, with a review to occur in the spring of 2024.

MBTA Communities Act
Jennifer Susse presented on the MBTA Communities Act, discussing the other communities involved, the reasons for the efforts, and the history of housing in Arlington. The Commission thanked Ms. Susse for her dedication and for sharing the information.

MK the Eagle Memorial and Rodenticide Education
Laura Kiesel proposed a memorial for MK the eagle, who passed away from poisoning after eating a poisoned rat, and signage to educate the public on the dangers of rodenticides. The Commission discussed the temporary versus permanent nature of the signage and suggested separating the memorial and educational components. The Commission agreed that any messaging should come from the appropriate department, in this case, the Board of Health.

Portable Restroom at Spy Pond and Event Co-Sponsorship
The discussion on the placement of a portable restroom at Spy Pond was tabled. Connelly then reviewed the details of an upcoming event co-sponsored by the Kelly Foundation and Recreation. The Commission also discussed the possibility of permitting events with alcohol on property under the jurisdiction of the Park Commission.

Community Preservation Act (CPA) Funding for Menotomy Playground
Mr. Connelly informed the Commission about an unsuccessful special application for Community Preservation Act funding for the Menotomy Playground. The application was not successful because the deadline for a warrant article submission was missed. The Commission discussed the potential impacts this could have on Fiscal Year 2025 requests.

Public Comment on Rodenticides
The meeting also included a public comment section. Laura Notman spoke about the importance of educating the public about the dangers of rodenticides. Liz Reisberg commented on the work done by Elaine Crowder in educating the community. Crowder herself discussed an upcoming forum on the issue of rodenticides and the need for appropriate education.

The meeting concluded with the tabling of the approval of the minutes from the 8/29 meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.



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