Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Park and Recreation Commission, May 30, 2023

  • Friends of Robbins Farm Park Fund Raising Proposal
    The Commission discussed a fundraising proposal for the playground presented by the Friends of Robbins Farm. Key points of discussion included the location of the sign, the permanent nature of the donation, the inappropriateness of including benches, and the temporary versus permanent signs. The Commission leaned towards temporary signage on the kiosk for up to two years. The Recreation Director will seek clarification from Planning and Zoning on what is allowed. Once clarified, the Friends of Robbins Farm can begin fundraising, with the final design of the acknowledgement sign to be determined later.
  • Paul Lipsky Bench Donation Spy Pond Park
    The Commission supported the bench donation at Spy Pond Park. The Recreation Director reviewed the location and amended language of the plaque.
  • Invasive Removal Update
    The Commission discussed the success of invasive removal work by a group of volunteers. The Commission approved the removal of three burning bush by the town and the replanting of natives in the area. The Recreation Director will check with the Department of Public Works on their availability to do the work. The Commission also agreed on the need to maintain the new plantings.
  • Poets Corner Playground
    The Commission discussed plans to renovate Poets playground, especially after Belmont Hill backed out of the partnership. The Recreation Director suggested that a decision was not needed immediately but should be in the discussion for the next capital/Community Preservation Act cycle. The Commission agreed on the importance of relooking at the playgrounds and gathering spaces to see what the actual need may be. The Commission agreed to have a town-wide discussion after an informal commission discussion.
  • Open Space Committee Update
    The Commission discussed the possible purchase of the adjacent archdiocese property to Poets with Community Preservation Act funds. The Recreation Director will discuss this option with the Deputy Town Manager and report back.

Next Steps:

  • The Recreation Director will seek clarification from Planning and Zoning on what is allowed for the Friends of Robbins Farm Park Fund Raising Proposal.
  • The Recreation Director will check with the Department of Public Works on their availability to do the invasive removal work.
  • The Commission will have a formal discussion on the renovation of Poets playground in an upcoming meeting.
  • The Recreation Director will discuss the possible purchase of the adjacent archdiocese property to Poets with the Deputy Town Manager and report back.



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