Inside Arlington

Experimental News Digest for Arlington, MA

Park and Recreation Commission, May 16, 2023

Committee: Arlington Park & Recreation Commission
Date: May 16, 2023

  • Robbins Farm Final Design Review
    The Commission reviewed the final design for Robbins Farm, presented by Agency Landscape. The design received positive feedback, with questions and concerns raised about various aspects including surface and equipment color, tree additions and locations, picnic area layout, native plantings, accessibility, greenery and plant bed plans, stroller parking area detail, signage plan, pathway material, and budget analysis. The public suggested more color, sponsorship plaques, sensory nodes, and questioned the longevity of playground wood material. The Commission approved the final design with conditions for further consideration, including finalizing surface color and equipment colors, reviewing the final planting plan, adding more detail to the stroller parking area, standardizing wall-mounted benches with current park specifications, revisiting engineered wood fiber adjacent to the tot truck area, and presenting locations for signage for final approval.
  • Menotomy Playground Review
    The Commission reviewed the issues at Menotomy Rocks Park and the Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding requests. The plan to remove the playground, use Fiscal Year 2024 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for design services for renovations, and submit a fall CPA application for constructions received support. The Commission agreed that leaving the playground in place was not an option due to safety concerns and that investing in the current structure was not responsible. The Commission approved a motion to remove the existing play structure and border with appropriate tree protection, keep the swings and add appropriate levels of engineered wood fiber, use Fiscal Year 2024 ARPA Funds for Design, and submit an emergency CPA Application for Fall Town Meeting.
  • Approval of Minutes
    The Commission tabled the minutes of April 11, 2023.
  • Comments and Items for Future Meetings
    The Commission discussed improving communication and notifications to the public for future meetings.
  • Open Forum – Public Comment
    Public comments included feedback on communication and requests for hybrid meetings. The benefits of the hybrid meeting model were also pointed out.



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